05K21120 Lycoming Kit Cylinder
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Various Lycoming cylinders are under an industry wide shortage. Air Power currently has thousands on order with lead times ranging from 30 days to 12 months. Orders placed today will be assigned the next available "position." We recommend not waiting until you are AOG; it is best to get your order in early. Please place your order today, or call us for more information.
IO-360-A, -A3B6, -A3B6D, -C, -D1A, -
J1A6D, -K2A;
AIO-360-A1A, -A1B, -B1B;
AEIO-360-A1A, -A1B, -A1B6,-A1D, -
A1E, -A1E6, -A2B;
LIO-360-C1E, -C1E6,-C1E6D
(short reach spark plugs)
(high compression) (Wide Deck)
IO-540-K1A5, -K1A5D, -K1B5, -K1D5,
-K1F5,-K1F5D, -K1G5, -K1G5D,
-K1H5, -K1J5, -K1J5D, -K1K5,
-K2A5, -L1A5D, -L1B5D, -L1C5,
AEIO-540-L1B5, -L1B5D, -L1D5
(high compression) (Wide Deck)