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What Is The AV1ATED Checklist?

Assessing risks is only part of operating safely as a pilot. After assessing risk, the other half of the equation is mitigating the risk.

There are several checklists pilots can use to mitigate risk when flying. One them is the AV1ATED checklist. The AV1ATED checklist is used by a pilot to determine if all of the aircraft inspections are up to date. The AV1ATED checklist is only used to verify all of the aircraft inspections are current. Additional documents are required to be in the pilot’s possession in order to fly. 


Annual inspection

According to FAR 91.409(a) an annual inspection is required for all aircraft. The Annual inspection must be conducted every 12 calendar months, and expires at the end of the month one year after the inspection. The inspection must be completed and signed by an aircraft mechanic who holds an inspection authorization (IA).


VOR check

According to FAR 91.171 a VOR check is required every 30 days for an aircraft operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). The VOR check can be performed by any pilot. 


100 hour inspection

According to FAR 91.409(b) aircraft that are operated for hire or used for flight instruction must have either an annual inspection or a 100-hour inspection for every 100 hours of time in service. Time in service is usually calculated using the tachometer. If it is necessary to fly the aircraft to the location of the 100-hour inspection, the aircraft may be flown no more than 10 hours over the 100-hour limit. Any excess time over the 100-hour due will be subtracted from the next 100-hour inspection.


Altimeter (pitot static inspection)

According to FAR 91.411 IFR equipped aircraft must have an altimeter/pitot static system inspection every 24 calendar months. The pitot static system inspection must be conducted by the manufacturer of the aircraft or by a certificated repair station, or by a certificated mechanic with an airframe rating (static pressure system tests and inspections only).


Transponder inspection

According to FAR 91.413, transponder inspections must be conducted every 24 calendar months. Transponder inspections must be conducted by the manufacturer of the aircraft, by a certificated repair station, or by a holder of a continuous airworthiness maintenance program.


ELT inspection

According to FAR 91.207 an Emergency Locater Transmitter (ELT) inspection must be conducted every 12 calendar months. The ELT must be replaced or recharged if the transmitter has been used for more than one hour cumulatively, or if 50% of the batteries’ useful life has expired (whichever comes first)>


Airworthiness Directive Compliance

Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are legally enforceable regulations issued by the FAA according to 14. CFR part 39. There are 3 types of ADs, (one-time, recurring, and not applicable) all of which are mandatory. An aircraft may not be operated outside of ADs, and some require an inspection or conditions that must be complied with.

Ensuring an aircraft is airworthy is very important as a pilot. The AV1ATED checklist serves as a useful memory aid in ensuring all legal inspection requirements are met for the safe operation of an aircraft. 


Commit the AV1ATED checklist to memory. It will prove useful to you whether you simply fly recreationally on occasion, or have a career in aviation.


By Engine Sales Representative, Joshua Denton



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