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What Is The PAVE Checklist?

The PAVE checklist is a crucial tool for pilots, designed to enhance safety and decision-making before every flight. The acronym PAVE stands for Pilot-in-command, Aircraft, enVironment, and External pressures. 

The PAVE checklist divides the risks of flight into four categories; Pilot, Aircraft, enVironment, and External Pressures. The PAVE checklist allows pilots to evaluate each category. After identifying and evaluating risks, the pilot then decides whether the flight can be managed safely and successfully, without violating personal minimums. 

P = Pilot

A = Aircraft 

V = enVironment

E = External pressures 


Due to the large factor that human error plays in aviation accidents, the pilot is considered one of the biggest risk factors in a flight. The pilot must ensure that he is physically and mentally ready for the flight. The IMSAFE checklist is essential in mitigating risk. Pilots must also ensure they have all appropriate endorsements and training such as a complex, high performance, tail wheel, or pressurized aircraft. Is a type rating required (aircraft over 12,500 lbs) and does the pilot possess one? Does the pilot possess the proper certificate to fly the aircraft (e.g., multi-engine, seaplane, gliders, IMC, etc. Is the pilot current to fly the aircraft? Does the pilot possess the necessary documents to fly? Does the pilot possess a valid medical certificate, government issued photo ID, and the proper 


Pilot’s must ensure the aircraft is equipped for the type of flight that is planned. It is important to consider whether the flight will be conducted in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) and if the aircraft is properly equipped with instruments, lights, as well as navigation and communication equipment. Other factors to consider are the aircraft’s useful load, service ceiling, fuel capacity, etc. The ARROW, AV1ATED, ATOMATOFLAMES, FLAPS, and GRABCARD checklists are used to ensure the aircraft under consideration is properly equipped for flight.


All environmental factors must be taken into consideration for the safe operation of a flight. The NWKRAFT checklist is used by a pilot for preflight purposes as well as ensuring an adequate flight plan is in place.

External pressures

If the pilot feels pressured to complete a fight then its probably a good idea to cancel or reschedule it. Some examples would be if a pilot was planning on flying in for a work meeting, taking friends or family on a first flight, a desire to get home, regret to cancel hotel, car rental, or restaurant reservation, or simply rushing. It is important to mitigate external pressures by sticking to personal minimums.

Commit the PAVE checklist to memory. It will prove useful to you whether you simply fly recreationally on occasion, or have a career in aviation. 


By Engine Sales Representative, Joshua Denton



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